
§1 Introductory Provisions

  1. User of the server (hereinafter referred to as "User") by the registration of their account and by every login on the server confirms that they understand the rules of the server (hereinafter referred to as "Rules") and that they agree with them. The User is obliged to become familiarised with them and to abide by them.
  2. The server (hereinafter referred to as "Server") refers to all of its components, i.e. web interface, TrucksBook Client and all other projects and services of the server.
  3. The User by the registration also declares that they registered on the Server voluntarily.
  4. The User does not get any entitlement to the content of the registered account and no compensation can be claimed in any way.
  5. We reserve the right to change any rule, even without giving any reason. The User will always be notified about the change on the website of the Server.
  6. Operation of the Server may be terminated or interrupted at any time, even without giving a reason. The interruption of the Server may happen mainly due to financial or technical difficulties.

§2 Server Administration

  1. Server Administration (hereinafter referred to as "Administration") means the TrucksBook Team, i.e. administrators or cooperating team members (e.g. forum moderators). You can recognize member of the Administration by the title administrator or moderator in their user account on the Server.
  2. The Administration is the highest authority on the Server, it is explicitly forbidden to undermine or disrupt this authority in any way.
  3. The main interest of the members of the Administration is to ensure and maintain smooth operation of the Server and all its parts, to supervise compliance with rules and laws, to provide support and to help in case of problems.
  4. The effort of the members of the Administration is not to bully nor restrict honest Users, but to penalize and try to redress Users who ignore the rules or restrict other honest Users. The Administration also strives to create create equal conditions for all Users.
  5. The Administration always has the decisive right. The decision of the Administration has immediate effect and it is the responsibility of each User to respect this decision in its entirety.
  6. Members of the Administration generally do not interfere with common personal disputes or disputes between virtual companies.
  7. The Administration does not take any responsibility for any harm that may be caused by the Server to the Users or to third parties who come into contact with the Server.
  8. The Administration is entitled to deal with disputes and to make appropriate consequences.
  9. The Administration is entitled to delete, change or modify the content submitted by the User.
  10. The Administration is entitled to check completed job deliveries in any way.
  11. The Administration never requires passwords from the User.

§3 Rights and Obligations of the User

  1. The User has the right to own just one account. If they lose access to their account in any way and want to restore it, they must contact the Administration and resolve the issue with them.
  2. The User is obliged to regularly visit the website where we inform about news, changes of the Rules, or obligatory instructions.
  3. The User is obliged to immediately report any error on the Server to the Administration, if it has not already been reported.
  4. The User is obliged to prevent a third person from accessing their account, e.g. due to their negligence.
  5. The User is obliged to respect the decisions of the Administration and abide by them.
  6. The only ways the User can communicate with administrators is via email (e.g. using the contact form), via the official Facebook page of TrucksBook, or on the integrated forum.
  7. The User has the right to ask the Administration for a review of its action, if they consider that the action was unfair, unjustified or degrading. The User has to ask for a review within three days after the action. However, the Administration may not comply with the request.
  8. The User has the right to deactivate their account at any time, which will remove all personal data associated with the account (not logbook nor statistics). After deactivating the account, the User can no longer create another account, even with another SteamID, they can only restore the original account.

§4 Restrictions for Users

  1. It is forbidden to share your account with another person in any way. Only one account can be used on one device, and only one and the same person can use it. If the User shares their device with someone else (e.g. a family member) who also owns an account on the Server, they are obliged to notify the administrator who can grant an exception.
  2. It is forbidden to trade with the User account or giving out the account for free.
  3. It is forbidden to share any inappropriate content (vulgar, offensive, pornographic ...), or content that is not related to the main topic of the Server. It is also forbidden to share any software that may cause harm to the Server or its users.
  4. It is forbidden to deliberately exploit Server bugs or inform other Users about them. It is also forbidden to deliberately behave in a way that can lead to excessive Server load, limitations or preventing access to other Users.
  5. It is forbidden to use the official Server logo for your profile picture or the logo of your virtual company.
  6. It is forbidden to impersonate members of the Administration, both current and former, to imitate nicknames (or names) of the members of the Administration, or to act on their behalf or their credentials.
  7. It is forbidden to reduce the natural authority of the Administration members, their ridiculing, or expressing other forms against the activities of the Administration or against themselves.
  8. It is forbidden to accuse the Administration of any unfair activity in any way without clear evidence. It is only possible to accuse the Administration on the basis of compelling arguments and unambiguous evidence. Other behavior will be considered as an attempt to harm the Server's reputation.
  9. It is forbidden to intentionally provide any false information to the Administration and other Users.
  10. It is forbidden to impersonate any country other than the one where the User has permanent residence or where they reside for a long time. In justified cases it is possible to grant an exception.
  11. Any form of spam or participating in the so-called flame wars is forbidden.
  12. It is forbidden to express themselves in obscene or vulgar ways, or contrary to good morals and morality.
  13. It is forbidden to promote or endorse any activity that is violating the laws. It is also forbidden to encourage anyone to this activity.
  14. It is forbidden to trade with any assets, tangible and intangible.
  15. It is forbidden to promote websites with the same or similar focus as, to share websites about other games or other commercially oriented sites in any way.
  16. Any activity when the User is trying to get unapproved advantage in a connection with the game is forbidden.

§5 TrucksBook Client software

  1. By installing the program, you agree with sending data from the game to the Server.
  2. Using the program is fully at your own risk. Administration does not take any responsibility for any possible inconveniences.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to attempt to affect the function of the program or to modify the program in any way.
  4. The program sends data immediately, if it is connected to the Internet. If the program does not have a connection with the Server or the Internet connection, it will try to send finished job deliveries during the next start of the program. Validity of the job delivery in the offline mode lasts only until the next day. So, if the job delivery is saved in offline mode e.g. on Saturday, it is possible to send it no later than on Sunday. On Monday, the program will mark it as invalid and delete it, without sending it to the Server.
  5. Job deliveries which expired in offline mode cannot be registered in any way and it is not possible to ask for their re-registration.
  6. If you forget to run the program, it is not possible to ask for registration of the job deliveries you lost because of this action.
  7. If the program fails, does not work properly or crashes, it is not possible to ask for registration of the job deliveries. The job deliveries are cancelled to your detriment.

§6 Job Deliveries

  1. It is forbidden to use modifications of maps that do not have the same scale as the original map or an official DLC (downloadable content), and that were created in order to get an advantage in the driven distance.
  2. It is forbidden to modify game files in a way that affects the behavior of the game in favor of statistics (especially manipulation with planned distance and speed simulation or using teleport during a job delivery).
  3. It is forbidden to use any external program that can record your keys/buttons or change values in the memory.
  4. It is forbidden to repeat one pattern of a route more than 3 times during one delivery, usually in order to increase the driven distance (e.g. repeated driving around the city or repeated detours).
  5. Planned distance of the job delivery can reach the maximum length corresponding to the route generated in the game, without any User's interventions, suggested by the best navigation mode or the mode preferring small roads (whichever is longer).
  6. Job deliveries are divided into statistics according to the maximal reached speed. If the User wants their job delivery to be included in the "real" statistics, they may not exceed the speed of 100 kph (62 mph) in ETS2 or 130 kph (81 mph) in ATS, otherwise it will be included in the "race" statistics. If it is a WoTr job delivery, then it will also be included in a separate WoTr statistics, regardless of the speed reached.
  7. The maximal allowed speed during active job delivery is 180 kph (112 mph). If this speed is exceeded, the job delivery will not be included in the statistics at all.
  8. The accepted distance of the job delivery may be no longer than 1.25 times the planned distance and no more than 1000 km (621 mi) longer than the planned distance, and in the current month a maximum of two deliveries initiated in the previous month can be accepted with up to 5000 km (3107 mi) of driven distance for each of them.
  9. Any rule related to the parameters of the game apply to the version of the game in which the job was delivered.
  10. The minimal required version of both games is 1.39.x

§7 Virtual Companies

  1. Every User has the right to establish their own virtual company.
  2. If a virtual company uses a name or a logo of a real existing company, Administration does not take any responsibility for any possible dispute. The User is responsible for providing necessary documents to use the name or the logo. In case of a dispute, real company may request the Administration to remove the virtual company or the used content.
  3. Violation of internal policies between employees is not dealt with by the Administration.
  4. Every company must have its owner. The owner of the company has the right to appoint their representatives or managers of the company.
  5. The owner of the virtual company is always responsible for its compliance with the Rules.

§8 Moral Codes

  1. The decency is to behave in accordance with morality.
  2. The decency is to greet other Users, in addition to the Administration members.
  3. The decency is to write grammatically correctly and clearly, and not only to the Administration.
  4. You are not obliged to address the Administration in any special way, but do not be surprised when the Administration reply to your message on a first name basis.
  5. The decency is to be tolerant of others. The decency is to respect their different opinions, nationality, race, religious or other beliefs, etc.

§9 Final Provisions

  1. These Rules were not made in order to limit someone’s freedom to use the Server. The purpose and the reason for making these Rules is the attempt to create enjoyable environment for decent, honest and respectful Users and their isolation from misbehaving Users who are violating the Rules.
  2. The Administration reserves the right to send informational emails to the email address specified in the user account.
  3. The use of the Server is voluntary and every User can be excluded or banned.
  4. The method or length of the punishment for violating the rules depends on the decision of the Administration which takes into account especially the seriousness of the violation and its impact on other users or the statistics.
  5. The Rules come into effect at the moment of their publication, i.e. July 18, 2016 in its original version, and remain in effect until the publication of new rules or rules modified in adequate way (see §1, paragraph 4).
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